but I haven't found the right market.
I was goofing off, trying to think of something interesting to write about (interesting *to me*) and found this idea. There was a pretty please request to be linked, and I have a hard time refusing pretty pleases, so here you go, Chris Brogan.
I have no business writing books. Sometimes I don't think I should even be allowed to read books. I have very little awareness when it comes to the writer/reader relationship I'm told is supposed to exist. And I think my list reflects that.
Homeschooling Kids Who Do Things Like Hide Frozen Apple Pies Under Their Beds.
You CAN Raise a Child with Asperger's Without Doing Jail Time Yourself.
(I Can't Speak for the Kid)
The Pros and Cons of Marrying Someone You Met Online... 8 Months Ago
The Guide to Potty Training by Age Three or Four. Sometimes Five. And Where to Buy Waterproof Mattress Covers.
Childproofing Your Cat
The Hermit's Guide to Forming a Positive Relationship with the UPS Man (Or FedEx Woman)
When You Believe In Being Open With Your Children, And Then Your Six-Year-Old Asks What HIV Is
Why The Weather Channel Gives Me Nightmares: The Story of My DysFUNctional Family
When Law and Order: Criminal Intent Diagnosis Your Child And You Fall in Love with Vincent Donofrio
And my autobiography
I Don't Think Pig Blood Is Funny
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
Haha! Where were those titles last week when I was trying to write something?
Thank you to Marla from Pak Adventures for giving me some Blog Love. I'd like to pass on the lovin' so read on... (and I'm going to try and not list people I've already given awards to - I'm fair like that.)
Carrie - you're on my list
Now.. the rules are....
1.The winner puts logo on her/his blog.
2.Link the person you received your award from.
3.Nominate 7 other blogs.
4.Put links of those blogs on yours.
5.Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve chosen.
PS. I'm not html savvy, so you can pick up the Blog Love logo from my blog.
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